Tag Archives: 2000

Big Momma’s House (2000)

[movie imdb=”tt0208003″]

‘Big Momma’s House’ is available online on:FlickZee

https://www.flickzee.com/js/fz.wid.init.jsvar fzwidparams={‘imdbid’: [true],’utm_source’: ‘referral’,’utm_medium’: ‘widget’,’utm_campaign’: ‘teaser.flickzee.com’};

Alien Fury: Countdown to Invasion (2000)

[movie imdb=”tt0242259″]

‘Alien Fury: Countdown to Invasion’ is available online on:FlickZee

https://www.flickzee.com/js/fz.wid.init.jsvar fzwidparams={‘imdbid’: [true],’utm_source’: ‘referral’,’utm_medium’: ‘widget’,’utm_campaign’: ‘teaser.flickzee.com’};

Scream 3 (2000)

Three survivors of the original Woodsboro massacre reunite when a killer dons the infamous ghost mask and strikes during the production of a movie based on their experiences.


There’s just some secrets you can’t reveal ’till the very end.

Duration:116 min
Release:04 Feb 2000
Cast:Liev Schreiber, Beth Toussaint, Roger Jackson, Kelly Rutherford
Director:Wes Craven
Writer:Kevin Williamson (characters), Ehren Kruger

I Dreamed of Africa (2000)

An Italian socialite rethinks her life in the aftermath of a car crash, hastily accepting a marriage proposal and joining her new husband in running a farm in Kenya.


Sometimes the adventure of a lifetime becomes life itself.

Duration:114 min
Release:05 May 2000
Cast:Kim Basinger, Vincent Perez, Liam Aiken, Garrett Strommen
Director:Hugh Hudson
Writer:Kuki Gallmann (book), Paula Milne (screenplay), Susan Shilliday (screenplay)